Graduate courses (sample)
Research Methodologies. MA course. Master in Audiovisual Communications, IADE. 2020-2021 onwards.
Bodies & Data. Master in STS. STS Dept. University of Vienna. 2019-2020.
Bodies, Technologies and Data. Master in STS. University of Vienna. 2017-2018.
Digital Media Cultures. MA course. Mestrado em Design de Interacção, IADE. 1st semester. 2016-2017.
Qualitative Research Methods. PhD course. Doutoramento em Gestão. Universidade Europeia. 2nd semester. 2015-2016.
Epistemology. PhD course. Doutoramento em Gestão. Universidade Europeia. 1st semester. 2015-2016.
Technological Bodies. MA course. Master in Culture, Communications and Information Technologies. ISCTE-IUL. Fall Term. 2012.
Communication and the Sociotechnical: Perspectives, Debates, Applications. York/Ryerson Joint Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture, York University.
Theoretical Approaches to Media and Culture. York/Ryerson Joint Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture, York University.
Communication and the Sociotechnical. York/Ryerson Joint Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture, York University.
Undergraduate courses (sample)
Sociocultural Studies. Degree in Global Design. IADE. 1st semester. 2016-2017.
Creativity and Critical Thinking. Degree in Games & Apps Development. Universidade Europeia. 1st semester. 2015-2016, 2016-2017.
Science, Sources and Methods. Degree in Games & Apps Development. Universidade Europeia. 1st semester. 2015-2016, 2016-2017.
*Case Studies in Critical Technology. Communication Studies. York University.
*Doing Bodies/Doing Technology. Communication Studies. York University.
*Communication and the Socio-technical: Perspectives, Debates, Applications. Communication Studies. York University.
*Augmented Bodies? Inquiries into the intersection of bodies and technologies. Communication Studies. York University.
*Augmented Bodies. Department of Science and Technology, Cornell University.
* Courses designed by me